Lean is the idea of efficient manufacturing/operations that was raised out of the Toyota Production System Around 70 years ago. Lean Management is a standardized method aimed at improving a company’s performance and, more specifically, profitability and the quality of its output.
It is based on the philosophy of defining value from the customer’s
viewpoint and continually improving the way in which value is delivered, by
eliminating every use of resources that doesn't contribute to the value goal. It
helps organizations create the desired value with less work.
Currently, Lean management is a concept that is widely adopted across
various industries.
5 principles of lean management
Lean management incorporates five guiding principles that are used by
managers within an organization for improving workplace efficiency. The five
principles are:
1. Define value
2. Value stream mapping
3. Create a continuous workflow
4. Establish a pull system
5. Pursuit perfection through continuous improvement
1. Define value
Lean teams constantly review their product and service from the eyes of
the customer. It's highly important to add value define by its
customer’s needs. The value lies within the
problem you are trying to resolve for the customer. More specifically, the product
must be a part of the solution that the customer will be ready to pay for. The other
process or activity that doesn’t bring value to the end product is considered
So you first need to identify the value you want to deliver and then proceed to the next step.
2. Value stream mapping
The next step is about identifying and mapping the value stream. During this
step, the aim is to use the customer’s value as a reference point and recognize
all the activities that contribute to those values. Activities that don't add
value to the customer are considered waste. The waste can be broken into two
categories: non-valued added but necessary and non-value added &
unnecessary. Unnecessary waste should be eliminated while necessary waste
should be reduced as much as possible. By eliminating and reducing both types of waste, you can
ensure that customers are getting exactly what they want while at the same time
reducing the cost of producing that product or service.
3. Create a continuous workflow
4. Establish a pull system
Having a smooth workflow assurance that your teams can deliver the work process much faster with less effort. The concept of the pull system helps to reduce the cost, space, time, and resources in inventory and storage. In other words, a pull-based system allows for Just-in-time delivery and production where products are created at the time that they are needed and in exactly the quantities needed. Pull-based systems are always created from the requirement of the end customers.5. Pursuit perfection through continuous improvement
The last principle continuous improvement which is also called kaizen is that the most important step in the lean management method. It provides a framework for creating an efficient and effective organization. Lean allows managers to get efficiencies in their organization and deliver better value to customers. The lean management system isn't perfect, therefore, issues may occur within any of the other four steps. Ensuring all employees contribute to continuous improvement whenever problems emerge. it helps to develop continuous improvement culture within the organization.
By practicing all 5 principles, an organization can remain competitive, increase the value delivered to the customers, decrease the cost of doing business, and increase its profitability.
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