Quality management systems have developed through quality control (QC), quality assurance (QA), and total quality control (TQC) systems to total quality management (TQM) systems. We will briefly outline each of these systems.
Quality control:-
Quality control is about defect detection by using post-production inspection procedures. Statistical quality control methods are used while inspecting the finished goods. The main focus is on the product - i.c.. what is wrong with the product (or part). Procedures such as acceptance sampling, control by attributes, control charts, and control by variables are typically used by the QC supervisors while controlling the quality of goods manufactured.
The extent of employee involvement is minimal. Only a few supervisors from the QC department are involved in quality control activities. It takes actually a short time to install a QC system. However, such systems do not help identify problems.
Quality assurance:-
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Total quality control:-
Total quality control systems are about reducing costs through continual improvement. Here quality is organized into the system. Problem areas are identified and problem-solving techniques are used widely during the continuous improvement cycle. Performance is checked with the help of the Cost Of Quality (COQ) system, Identifying and removing waste. These efforts improve the product quality. In TQC systems we have more involvement within the type of various quality circles working towards improving the processes. . It takes between 1 to 3 years to install TQC system.Total quality management (TQM)